Friday, February 25, 2011

Cloth Diapers - the "eco" nomics of it.

A while back I posted on the decision Lovey and I made to cloth diaper Sweet Pea.  You can read that post here.  We have had a fabulous experience with cloth diapering.  We're saving money, we're being environmentally responsible, and Sweet Pea has had a diaper rash free bum. Aside from the environmental and economical benefits of cloth diapering... there is something about a baby with a giant bum - courtesy of cloth diapers that is just. so. cute.  Not to mention that cloth diapers themselves have come a long way since the day that my mom was covering my bum in cloth, pins and rubber pants.  These days cloth diapers are downright fashionable.  I just can't wait until summertime when Sweet Pea will be toddling all over our yard in nothing but his cloth diaper as fashion accessory.

If you don't believe me that this is a new trend... take a look at a new-ish product that Huggies came out with... I'm convinced that they are responding to the cuteness of the cloth diaper craze! 

Even though I have RAVED about the benefits (and ease) of cloth diapers, some of my friends continue to be non-believers.  I can't seem to convert them to be cloth-diaper-aholics like me.... One friend of the anti-cloth persuasion asked questions about whether cloth diapers were REALLY more cost-effective and environmentally friendly in the long run -- especially if you factored in the water it takes to continually wash all those wet, poopy things.  And when this friend asked... I did not know the answer.  But now I do.  AND FYI... I STILL WIN.  (not that this is a competition... and if it were... (which it is not)... in all reality, it's the environment that wins.... And my checkbook.

You can check out the link to the article about the eco-nomics of cloth diapers here. 

It's a great article - geared specifically for residents of Colorado and discusses water usage and diapers.  Turns out that it takes LOADS more water (pun intended) to manufacture all those "disposable" diapers than it does to manufacture and wash cloth diapers.  This doesn't even take into account the petroleum products that go into the manufacturing of "disposable" diapers.  But don't take my word for it, read the article and inform yourself.

I still stand by my decision to cloth diaper my child.  And so does Lovey.  I hope that eventually more people will realize both the environmental and cost benefits of cloth diapering and give it a try.  Heck -- you don't even have to go "full boar" at first.  Buy one or two cloth diapers and try to use just one cloth diaper a day... ease yourself in.  I think you'll be surprised that it's not as difficult or overwhelming as you might think.

The environment will thank you, I will thank you, your child's bum with thank you, and the future inhabitants of this earth will thank you, too!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Another "must have" product!

I really do not enjoy shopping; for many reasons... here are a couple examples.: Shoe shopping.. size 10.5 shoes are never "cute" -- HELLO -- it makes most shoes look like CLOWN shoes.... pants/ jeans shopping... could SOMEONE make a 36" inseam for women - PUH-LEEZE!?! 

That said... there are a few times when my opinion on shopping changes.  This usually involves a book store or a cooking store.  These places typically spell trouble with a capital "T".  I could spend HOURS (and lots of cash) in a bookstore ( loves me... ) The same can be said for Sur La Table.  It is always dangerous to enter... but it's like there is a magnet pulling me in.  I. just. can't. stop.

My mom's birthday is in November.  I always seem to struggle on what to get her.  She never "needs" anything.  And since she doesn't live nearby, it's not like I overhear her talk about things she likes or needs.  I'm always just making "guesses" and hoping I come close to the mark.  This past year I did pretty OK.  And I have Sur La Table and THIS product to thank.

Magnetic measuring spoons!  (I was in the process of making donuts with mine in the photo above.) Growing up,  I remember one argument that my parents had consistently.  Do you keep all the measuring spoons connected together on the "little plastic ring?"  Or do you let all the spoons hang out separately?  My dad sided with "connected on the little ring".  This ticked my mom off because she was always washing the dishes and even if Dad used only one spoon she had to wash all of them.  My mom wanted all the spoons to hang out separately.  But this drove my dad nuts because he was always on the hunt for the spoon that got "lost" and wasn't put back in the correct place.  Eventually they agreed to disagree and each parent had their own set of measuring spoons, stored in the way they liked best.

I found these nifty spoons while browsing at Sur La Table before my mom's birthday.  When I saw them, I immediately knew I had struck gold!  This little gadget was the answer to all of my parents measuring spoon arguments... and at least got me started in the right direction for my mom's birthday. 

Here are a few reasons why these spoons are so darn cool.  The spoons are magnetic and stick together.  No more ring.  No more spoon getting lost from the others because they aren't connected together.  Another great feature is that the measuring spoons are two sided.  One side is wider and round, the other side is more narrow and oval.  This is great for getting the measuring spoons into different size containers of spices, baking soda, baking powder, etc.  Another reason why this two sided feature is so fantastic is because you can use one side for dry ingredients and one side for wet ingredients.  No more need for washing the spoons before you can add another ingredient to your recipe... and no need to have two sets of measuring spoons because you are too lazy or in too big of a hurry to wash one spoon in order to finish your recipe.

My mom liked these so much that she had me buy 5 extra sets as Christmas gifts for friends and family.  I also have a set for myself (as you can see from above).  I absolutely love them.  My only complaint?  I had better be putting my spoons away correctly -- because now if I lose one measuring spoon... I lose them all!!!

These measuring spoons are made by Progressive and run $14.95 - which may seem a bit steep for measuring spoons.  But the set is stainless steel --  and it really is like having two sets of spoons in one handy item... (I can then rationalize cutting the price in half! Two for the price of one!!!) I truly think that they are worth every penny.  If you do half as much baking as me - you'll be super happy with your decision to run out and get them!

Anyone else have a set?  What do you think?  Is there another kitchen product that you just can't live without?  I'd love to hear about it!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Products I Love: A Must-Have for Mamas!

Life has certainly changed since Sweet Pea arrived.  Most of those changes are fantastic.  My old life seems like a distant memory - and there isn't a whole lot that I miss.  I miss finding time to run... and I know that eventually, I will find time to make time for myself again.  (To be honest - right now if I have a choice between an extra 30 minutes of sleep, or a 30 minute run -- I'm choosing sleep!)  I miss all the hours I used to have available to bake and sew... now I just need to be strategic about squeezing a little sewing or baking in here and there.  It's not enough, but it's better than not at all.

Do you want to hear what I miss most of all about my old life?  HOT COFFEE.  I don't think I've been able to sit at home and finish a cup of joe while it's still hot in close to 10 months.  And I miss it.  I miss it a lot.

Enter the MOST FABULOUS product that I have encountered in quite some time.  It's a mug.  It's a thermos.  Or, as I like to call it... it's a MUGOS!  (REI calls it the flip-top vacuum tumbler... bah!  my name is so much better!)

This fantastic contraption, sold by REI, is revolutionary!  My coffee stays hot in this thing for HOURS.  No lie.  For HOURS.  No longer is my coffee cold within a matter of minutes.  Designed like a coffee thermos - it insulates to keep the insides hot.  But the top of the flip top vacuum tumbler  (AKA mugos) allows you to drink directly from it, without having to pour your drink into another container - thus allowing your coffee to stay hot!

The little white button the the top "clicks" down - and you are able to drink directly from your "mugos".  Click the button again, and the hot beverage stays inside without leaking out.

While the product is not "perfect" - I've noticed now and again that coffee spills down my front while I am drinking... I'm not exactly sure if this is product error, or user error.  Overall, I give this product a 4.5 out of 5 stars for functionality.  I give it a 5 of 5 for "life-giving hot coffee" satisfaction.

If you, like me, are a mama that misses finishing your beverage while it is still HOT- you should RUN, not walk, to get yourself this fantastic product made by and sold at REI!  It's $24.50 -- which might seem a bit steep for a coffee thermos.  But I've not regretted my purchase for one-hot-second.  (pun intended).

Let me know if you decide to get one - or if by chance you already own one.  I'd love to hear your opinions on the product.  Or, better yet... what are the products/ gadgets that you just can't life without?


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Donuts... is there Anything They Can't Do?

I first wrote about my search for the donut machine of my childhood here.  This is a follow up to report that I have had SUCCESS in finding the machine for which I have been on the hunt.  Turns out, I had the wrong brand name.  Thanks to my colleague Blaine who pointed out (in a very nice way) that maybe my memory wasn't serving me correctly... After looking on ebay - I found a machine (with photos) and the box was EXACTLY what I remembered from back in the day.  Not only did I have the brand wrong, I also had imagined the machine to make 6 full size donuts at a time.  Alas, it only makes two... Oh, how my memories have deceived me!

I bid on the machine and lucky me, I WON!  The machine arrived last week.  I did a dance of happiness and joy and waited (impatiently) for this past weekend when I had a chance to try it out.

Sweet Pea and I were up early on Sunday.  VERY EARLY.  We did a little experimenting while Lovey got some extra rest.  We attempted the recipe that was posted here.  And overall I would say that I am happy with my purchase.

First, I will say that 5 minutes seems like an awful long time to wait for 2 darn donuts.  Especially if you are trying to make quite a few - and you are hungry. Overall, the process was worth the effort and I am very much looking forward to Sweet Pea being old enough to make donuts with me.  There are several more donut recipes to try in the book - some with frosting, some with filing... the recipe booklet even comes with some bagel recipes to attempt in the machine.  CRAZY, I know!

Mostly, though it's just really cool to know that I own a piece of nostalgia; something I remember from my past.   Memories that remind me of home, and my mom and dad.... It reminds me of one of the few opportunities that they provided me to eat food that was "bad" for me -- and had sugar... (more on my mom's crazy natural foods upbringing at a later point)...

Turns out that this machine was actually made in 1977.  That's even before Lovey was born!!!!  The machine looks like it's in brand-new condition... it should have many years of hard weekend work in its future.   I'm looking forward to plenty of opportunities for donut adventures with Sweet Pea.  Even though you can't tell from the look on his face, Sweet Pea is, too!!!  YUM.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New Design

So - as you can see, I've been playing around with making a few changes to the design of the blog.  Please tell me what you think... Do you like the new design?  Find the photo too distracting?  I'm interested in feedback, as I'm still working upon on all of this!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

She's Crafty!

I. love. to. sew.  It all started a few years back when I became frustrated.  I mean REALLY REALLY frustrated with the price of clothes when I was shopping.  I just needed a few skirts.  I couldn't really find anything I liked - and the skirts that I did like -- were upwards of $60 - $80.  For a skirt!  An A-line skirt!

So, I thought to myself... "Self.  How hard can it be to make a skirt?  You should just buy a sewing machine and make your OWN skirts."  And so I did.  And so began my love for sewing.

I've made quite a few skirts.  Some I'm proud of.  Some I'm not so proud of.  I've also completed projects other than skirts... I made my Lovey a tie.  Out of corduroy.  Pink corduroy.  It turned out VERY COOL.  Lovey loves it -- he just doesn't have much reason to wear a tie.

I also made myself a sundress... that looked like a giant moo moo.  I'm not sure that I'm spelling "moo moo" right - but in this context the spelling of the word works -- because that is indeed what I looked like.  A giant hot pink cow.  Lovey wouldn't let me wear the sundress out of the house.  Or in the house.  It went to Goodwill.  Now someone is the proud owner of a dress that I slaved over... I hope it looks fantastic on someone a bit more "large and in charge" than me.

I made Lovey a pair of pajama pants.  They were a bit small.  But, he wears them every now and again just to make me feel like the effort was worth it.  I'm not sure if it's the size of the pants or the style -- it always looks like he has the pants on backwards - even when he puts them on the right way.  Good thing they are pj pants and he mostly wears them in the dark.  God Bless Lovey for loving me so much that he'll wear those horrible pants just to make me feel better.  He's a keeper.

After the epic fails at clothing that needs to "fit" -- I decided that I should stick to items that were non-clothing - until I can figure out how to make the appropriate changes to ensure proper garment fit.  So, I've stuck to baby receiving blankets, tote bags, etc.  I'm still trying to figure out my "fit" problems.  But goodness!  I do love fabric and sewing.  I'm addicted!

Of course, all of these projects were done before Sweet Pea came on the scene.  It's been a bit difficult to fit much "me" time into my life with a cuddly little guy... but lately I've been able to get a bit more time for some fun projects.  Sweet Pea heads off to bed sometime around 7:00 or 8:00 which gives me a bit of time to work on projects... It's taking me longer to get my projects done.  Gone are the days of "busting out a skirt" in one sitting - but I'm learning to slow down and enjoy the process.

And there are some nights that I work a bit later into the evening to get something done... because I just can't put down the fabric and back away from the machine.... but who needs sleep? Right?

In the past month, I've completed two kid's aprons - one for a little girl and one for a little boy... and a simple blanket/ tie quilt for Sweet Pea's birthday - it's done WAAAAY early... but like Sweet Pea will even remember.  He's not even one!!!

I've included a few photos for those that are interested... sorry they aren't the best angles/ images... I promise to work on my photography skills.  You know, in all my free time ;-)

Here is the little boy's apron.  It's reversible.  I can't take credit for this pattern... I found a free pattern for the apron here.... kid sized chef's apron  I made the apron to fit a 3 year old.  Sorry I don't have a photo of it ON a three year old... but the three year old does not belong to me ;-)

This is the little girl's apron.  I designed the pattern myself.  It was a bit of a pain... but in the end, I was happy with the result... I learned quite a bit... and was able to take out my aggression by continually ripping out my mistakes and staring over...  and over...  and over.  The apron was a gift for a family member - she's four.  Sorry that it isn't actually displayed ON a four year old.  I don't own one of those, either.

Finally, here are a couple of photos of Sweet Pea's quilt.  Finished last night.  I don't know if he will love it, but I really love it.  Finished size is about 44x57 or 58, I think.  I haven't actually measured it.  It was very, very simple to do... almost TOO easy.  I'm excited to try my hand a something a bit more complicated sometime in the future.

So - thanks for letting me share a few projects with you.  I'm having fun getting back into the sewing groove.  I've got projects stacked up on the sewing table and in my head.  I can't wait to start getting more creative!!  In the future I'll share some of my favorite books for projects... and the projects that I've playing with, too.

Any of you getting crafty these days?  I can't wait to hear more about the things you love to do!


Monday, February 7, 2011

The Hazards of Nursing

Sweet Pea turned 10 months old today.  I can't believe how quickly the time is flying.  As the "one year" mark quickly approaches - I'm anticipating that sometime in the next 2 - 6 months, my little guy will be done breast feeding... this makes me think back on the last 10 months and reflect on some of my experiences.

Some of my most memorable experiences have come at the hands of other people's children.  When Sweet Pea gets hungry or whiny in the company of friends and strangers, I try to disreetly move myself to a quieter location in the house so that he can eat in peace and quiet - and so I don't have to flash my world to everyone present.  I've noticed that little boys really pay no attention.  They pay me and Sweet Pea no heed.  They don't notice me leave - and if they enter into the room I'm in, they don't even notice I'm there, usually they are too busy playing and making a commotion.  The same cannot be said for little girls.

The little girls that I have experienced seem to 1. really LOVE babies and 2. be very curious about what is going on underneath my shirt/ Sweet Pea's blanket.  On more than one occasion, I've had little girls follow me to whatever location in the house I choose.  IT'S A BABY PARTY -- WE'RE COMING WITH YOU!!! And then the barrage of questions begin. 

"What are you doing?"
"What's he doing under that blanket?"
"Can I see?"

And when I try to just keep the answers vague... such as "I'm feeding the baby" or  "he's eating" - the girls just aren't satisfied.

"What's he eating?"
"Where is his bottle?"
"How are you feeding him?"
"Can I see?"

Suddenly, I'm in charge of teaching these 4 - 6 year old girls about the biology of feeding a baby.  I'm not sure how I suddenly get to be the poster child for breast feeding - but it's an awkward position to be in to have to teach someone else's kid about biology.  A little help here!!

So I have to attempt to talk about how the baby is drinking milk... from me.  Common responses have included

"How did you get the milk in there?" to -- you guessed it "Can I see?"

So much  trying to be discreet --Now I'm having to flash myself to young children - all in an effort to allow them to see that nursing a baby is natural, and normal, and not something to be embarrassed about - all while I am DYING inside that I am having to have this conversation with someone else's kid.

One friend's curious kid - even looked at me - asked several questions -- wanted to see (of course) -- and then looked me in the eye and responded "GROSS!"  quickly followed by -- "Can I see, again?"

Ah, the joys of mothterhood.  By the time Sweet Pea is 4 - 6, I'm guessing I'll have a better way to answer the questions about nursing - but for right now, I'm just making it up as I go along - and hoping that the parents to these children aren't too mad at me for opening a can of worms I never wanted to open in the first place.

Of course, none of this makes me regret my choice to nurse my child.  It's better for him, he's healthier than formula fed kiddos, and it's been a great way to connect and bond with my Sweet Pea.  And while a part of me is looking forward to the freedom of him no longer needing to nurse - a part of me will miss the time snuggling, too.  So while the end may be near, I'm glad it's not quite here, yet.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Observations from a Sick Mama

So... turns out we've taught Sweet Pea how to be a good sharer.  He came down with a cold sometime between Tuesday and Wednesday - and promptly shared it with both Lovey and me.  It is fun times in our house.  Lovey's cold seems to be hanging out in his chest... Sweet Pea has a runny nose and a goopy cough.  Mine?  Hanging out in my sinuses.  Awesome.  My already ridiculously  nasal Midwestern accent just went to a new level of annoying.  Foods have no flavor.  I can't hear correctly...  And I'm off my mom game.

It's near impossible to smell a poopy diaper with my sniffer in its current condition.  I have put Sweet Pea to bed twice tonight in a diaper filled with poo.  This NEVER happens!  Good thing the kid is a clear communicator and screams bloody murder to let me know I'm slacking on my duties as super-mom.

Sweet Pea likes to share everything.  Well, everything that belongs to me.  He doesn't want to eat his food - but if it's going in my mouth - it must be good.  He's a little insulted today that I don't want to share my food - well, mostly my germs with him.  I've been getting stink-eye all night.

 Having a nasty cold and having a child that is nursing brings a new level of torture to being sick.  Actually, this cold wouldn't be so nasty if I could take some drugs - Advil Cold and Sinus, Tylenol Cold and Sinus, Sudafed -- turns out there really isn't anything you can take for medication - except Tylenol.  And it just isn't cutting the mustard. 

Well - those are about all the observations I have - other than sick mamas should get sleep when they can - as much as they can when their baby is sleeping... because you don't know how often the kiddo is going to wake up throughout the night when they aren't feeling well.  So, that said - I'm going to take my own advice and get some rest.  Cross your fingers that Sweet Pea sleeps through the night.

And if anyone has some sage advice on how make the sinus pressure go away without medicine.  I'm all ears.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Update to Tuesday Adventures

So - thanks to my friend Blaine, I may have actually "found" the machine I am looking for... on ebay of all places.  YAY.  It's not under the name I remember, of course.  And it doesn't look the same as I remember... but now that I see it, I'm pretty convinced that it might just be the same type we had when i was a kid.  Oh, how the aging mind plays tricks on me!

i seem to remember our machine making six donuts at a time - but this one makes two.  The box that the machine comes in looks oh, so, very familiar - so I think I'm on the right track.  Thank you Blaine!!

The best part of all this searching - is that I think I found the recipe that comes with the machine.  So - now I'm thinking that I might be able to use the pans I purchased and just use the recipe to make the donuts in my oven.  I can't think that the machine is going to cook them much different than my oven would - any thoughts or suggestions on this?

I'm thinking that I'll preheat the oven to 350 - and add either oil or butter to the recipe to keep the donuts from sticking to the pan and to (hopefully) give them a crispy outside.  AAAAAND if that doesn't work - maybe I'll have to break down and just purchase the machine.  The price on the darn machine is a steal - I just have issues with paying more for shipping than I do the price of the item... guess that makes me a cheap-skate!!

So... for all of you that are wanting to try the recipe along with me - I've decided to share... here it is!  Please let me know if you try it and what you think!

Plain Donut recipe from the childhood memories of brookefrances
1 cup sifted all purpose flour 
1/2 cup plus 1 level tablespoon sugar 
1 tablespoon double acting baking powder 
1/2 teaspoon salt 
1/2 cup milk 
1 egg 
1/4 cup cooking oil 
Flavoring: vanilla, lemon, orange, or almond extract. Cinnamon or nutmeg (1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon)    according to taste.  

 Combine and sift together dry ingredients. Beat egg and milk together and then add the cooking oil.   Mix thoroughly into dry ingredients using an electric mixer. Preheat machine for 10 minutes;   pour in batter, then add 1/2 teaspoon of oil into each circular cavity at top of unit within first   2 minutes of baking. Bake for 5 minutes or, for crisper donuts, bake until oil no longer bubbles from   hole in top of lid. Makes 10 donuts.

Tuesday Adventures

Sweet Pea and I spent the day at home today - the weather has been a bit brisk here (-32 with the windchill).  Since Denver Public Schools were closed, Sweet Pea's daycare was closed, too.  So I worked from home and Sweet Pea and I hung out...

Before I started making phone calls and responding to emails, I decided that today would be a home-made donut day.  A few weekends back I picked up some "donut pans" at Sur La Table and I've been itching to try them out...  today was the day.  Cold weather, hot coffee, and home-made donuts.  What could be more perfect? 

The recipe included called for cake flour, buttermilk, milk, butter, nutmeg, eggs, baking powder.  The donuts tasted OK... but I'm kindof feeling that they weren't much different from a muffin, save for the shape of the pan.  I guess I was hoping for.... more.

When I was a kid, my mom had this donut machine. A Mr. Donut machine - just plug it in and fill up the indentations with the batter... (sure wish I had THAT batter recipe).  One the machine was filled... just shut the lid and a few minutes later there were these warm, fabulous, donuts.  I can still smell and taste them... they were so... WONDERFUL.  I called my mom several days ago to see if she still had that machine - somewhere in the basement, perhaps stashed away up in the attic.  Unfortunately, she's not one to hang on to things - so someone else is the proud owner of my childhood donut machine.  Lucky Bastard. 

And I'm left with a buttermilk flavored, nutmeg infused muffin in the shape of a donut.  I kindof feel cheated.

I've got to find a better donut recipe.  Or track down one of those Mr. Donut machines.  Thing is - like all good things from my past - the donut machine doesn't seem to be in production any more.  Even trusty - the seller of all random things - does not seem to have anything even close... unless you want to count the machine that makes muffins in under 8 minutes... hey... wait a minute... that might work for the recipe I currently have in my hot little hands... but it's not. exactly. what I'm going for.

So... the quest continues... new recipe for donuts and/ or a donut machine that comes close to flavors and texture of my childhood memories.

Anyone have any leads?  In the meantime I guess I'll be snacking on some buttermilk flavored nutmeg infused donut shaped muffins.  Oh, yum.