It's wash day. Really, these days, every other day is wash day around here. This is because my husband and I made the decision to cloth diaper our sweet pea. Actually, let me rephrase that last statement... I made the decision to cloth diaper and my husband, whoiloveverymuch, is along for the ride. He is supportive of the decision AND has even been known to throw a load of diapers in the wash without being prompted...on occasion. YAY!
Recently, a friend commented on a Facebook post regarding cloth diapers; she was wondering why us young gals would make so much more work for ourselves. I thought I would respond here.
When I first learned I was knocked up, there wasn't a doubt in my mind about cloth diapers vs. disposable. There was NO WAY I was wrapping my sweet pea's butt in plastic. Disposable diapers aren't breatheable AND it made me sick thinking about 2 to three years of diapers just sitting in a landfill... taking over two of my lifetimes to hopefully, eventually, decompose.
Next, I did some research. If my Sweet Pea was only in disposable diapers for 2 years... it would cost around $6,000.00 to keep him covered. Compare that to the approximate $500.00 I spent on purchasing cloth diapers... quite a savings! Now, I know this doesn't figure in my time doing laundry, the money spent on our water bill or detergent... but Sweet Pea hasn't had one diaper rash and rumor has it, it's easier to potty train kids who are cloth diapered. Apparently, toddlers don't like feeling wet and uncomfortable -- something that doesn't happen in a disposable diaper filled with weird chemicals designed to pull wetness from your kiddo to keep them dry. Overall, I think I'm coming out ahead in a lot of ways with our cloth diapering decision. Not to mention these diapers are CUTE!
Cloth diapers have come a long way since my parent's generation. Gone are the days of flat, pre-fold diapers, pins, and rubber pants. Sure, you COULD still cloth diaper this way, but with all the cloth diaper options... why would you want to? Actually, with all the options... it's a bit overwhelming. Pocket diapers, all-in-ones, one size diapers... what the hell! Thankfully Belly Bliss in Denver offers a class to walk you through what you need to know to make the best decision for you. Better yet, the woman who teaches the class -Lisa Van Damme - runs a business selling the diapers and products she has used and trusts. Most of the products she supports are made locally. While the class costs $15.00, Lisa gives you a $15 discount on your first order at her store online store,Living Earth Babies.
Now, does all of this mean that Sweet Pea has NEVER had a disposable diaper on his little behind? No... he has. The cloth diapers didn't fit him until he was about a month old. And, quite honestly, we were so exhausted the first month adding diaper laundry to the mix might have sent me over the edge. And when we travel it's just not realistic to cart all our diaper supplies with us.
Since Sweet Pea has been one month old, he's been, more-or-less, in cloth. The laundry? Not bad.. it gets to be routine and isn't overwhelming. (granted, I haven't gone back to work, yet. Check back with me in a few weeks to see if I'm still singing the same tune.) For now, we have enough diapers to cover us for 2 to three days. So, it's one extra load of wash every other day. It goes in when we're making dinner or watching TV. And I feel good about helping my environment and keeping a bit more money in the bank.
You might be wondering what cloth diaper we use for Sweet Pea. We decided on the Gro Baby diaper system and we've been very pleased. It was more cost effective than some other options we considered, and we liked the style. More good news? Waaaaay less diaper blow outs than we ever had with disposables. We even went so far as to make our own diaper wipes and solution. Easy to do. No alcohol on Sweet Pea's bum. No money spent on one-use wipes. The best part the solution recipe we use has Sweet Pea's bum smelling delightful. How many other mom's can say that about their baby's bum? For the sake of time I won't get into how to make the wipes or solution... but if you are dying to know -- post something in my comment section and I'll be happy to share in another post.
Until then, I hope that some of you with kids in diapers will consider giving cloth diapers a try. It's better for you, your baby, and frankly... all of us.
I've heard mixed reviews about cloth vs. plastic. I know some people who opted for a diaper service once they started working, it might be an option if you are ever in a pinch for time/resources. but bravo for giving it a try, and sticking to your guns, I hope it works out!