So... turns out we've taught Sweet Pea how to be a good sharer. He came down with a cold sometime between Tuesday and Wednesday - and promptly shared it with both Lovey and me. It is fun times in our house. Lovey's cold seems to be hanging out in his chest... Sweet Pea has a runny nose and a goopy cough. Mine? Hanging out in my sinuses. Awesome. My already ridiculously nasal Midwestern accent just went to a new level of annoying. Foods have no flavor. I can't hear correctly... And I'm off my mom game.
It's near impossible to smell a poopy diaper with my sniffer in its current condition. I have put Sweet Pea to bed twice tonight in a diaper filled with poo. This NEVER happens! Good thing the kid is a clear communicator and screams bloody murder to let me know I'm slacking on my duties as super-mom.
Sweet Pea likes to share everything. Well, everything that belongs to me. He doesn't want to eat his food - but if it's going in my mouth - it must be good. He's a little insulted today that I don't want to share my food - well, mostly my germs with him. I've been getting stink-eye all night.
Having a nasty cold and having a child that is nursing brings a new level of torture to being sick. Actually, this cold wouldn't be so nasty if I could take some drugs - Advil Cold and Sinus, Tylenol Cold and Sinus, Sudafed -- turns out there really isn't anything you can take for medication - except Tylenol. And it just isn't cutting the mustard.
Well - those are about all the observations I have - other than sick mamas should get sleep when they can - as much as they can when their baby is sleeping... because you don't know how often the kiddo is going to wake up throughout the night when they aren't feeling well. So, that said - I'm going to take my own advice and get some rest. Cross your fingers that Sweet Pea sleeps through the night.
And if anyone has some sage advice on how make the sinus pressure go away without medicine. I'm all ears.
Sorry, no sage advice from one nursing mother to another. I survived my last cold with hot tea and honey. I haven't been allowed to take anything for a cold for about 5 years now-a long time to be pregnant and/or nursing. My husband has learned to sneak around when he takes something for his cold.
ReplyDeleteBrooke, so sorry you guys are sick! It's been a bad year for it. As for advice... try sudacare shower soothers. Or I think vick's might make something similar. Anyway, it does require taking a hot steamy shower (which also helps with the sinus stuff) but you put a soother vapor thingy on the floor of your shower and it sends vick's like vapor up all through the steamy shower and really helps clear you out. It doesn't last super long, but it's nice while it does. Good luck! Hope you all feel better soon.