Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Donuts... is there Anything They Can't Do?

I first wrote about my search for the donut machine of my childhood here.  This is a follow up to report that I have had SUCCESS in finding the machine for which I have been on the hunt.  Turns out, I had the wrong brand name.  Thanks to my colleague Blaine who pointed out (in a very nice way) that maybe my memory wasn't serving me correctly... After looking on ebay - I found a machine (with photos) and the box was EXACTLY what I remembered from back in the day.  Not only did I have the brand wrong, I also had imagined the machine to make 6 full size donuts at a time.  Alas, it only makes two... Oh, how my memories have deceived me!

I bid on the machine and lucky me, I WON!  The machine arrived last week.  I did a dance of happiness and joy and waited (impatiently) for this past weekend when I had a chance to try it out.

Sweet Pea and I were up early on Sunday.  VERY EARLY.  We did a little experimenting while Lovey got some extra rest.  We attempted the recipe that was posted here.  And overall I would say that I am happy with my purchase.

First, I will say that 5 minutes seems like an awful long time to wait for 2 darn donuts.  Especially if you are trying to make quite a few - and you are hungry. Overall, the process was worth the effort and I am very much looking forward to Sweet Pea being old enough to make donuts with me.  There are several more donut recipes to try in the book - some with frosting, some with filing... the recipe booklet even comes with some bagel recipes to attempt in the machine.  CRAZY, I know!

Mostly, though it's just really cool to know that I own a piece of nostalgia; something I remember from my past.   Memories that remind me of home, and my mom and dad.... It reminds me of one of the few opportunities that they provided me to eat food that was "bad" for me -- and had sugar... (more on my mom's crazy natural foods upbringing at a later point)...

Turns out that this machine was actually made in 1977.  That's even before Lovey was born!!!!  The machine looks like it's in brand-new condition... it should have many years of hard weekend work in its future.   I'm looking forward to plenty of opportunities for donut adventures with Sweet Pea.  Even though you can't tell from the look on his face, Sweet Pea is, too!!!  YUM.



  1. I can't wait till I get a couple. Congrat's on getting a piece of your childhood back - it is a rare and wonderful thing... Bagel reciipes - sounds interesting...

  2. I love this! It is so much fun to hear you talk about your childhood and how much you are looking forward to making memories with your little guy :-) Brooke Frances is just awesome!
