Thursday, February 24, 2011

Another "must have" product!

I really do not enjoy shopping; for many reasons... here are a couple examples.: Shoe shopping.. size 10.5 shoes are never "cute" -- HELLO -- it makes most shoes look like CLOWN shoes.... pants/ jeans shopping... could SOMEONE make a 36" inseam for women - PUH-LEEZE!?! 

That said... there are a few times when my opinion on shopping changes.  This usually involves a book store or a cooking store.  These places typically spell trouble with a capital "T".  I could spend HOURS (and lots of cash) in a bookstore ( loves me... ) The same can be said for Sur La Table.  It is always dangerous to enter... but it's like there is a magnet pulling me in.  I. just. can't. stop.

My mom's birthday is in November.  I always seem to struggle on what to get her.  She never "needs" anything.  And since she doesn't live nearby, it's not like I overhear her talk about things she likes or needs.  I'm always just making "guesses" and hoping I come close to the mark.  This past year I did pretty OK.  And I have Sur La Table and THIS product to thank.

Magnetic measuring spoons!  (I was in the process of making donuts with mine in the photo above.) Growing up,  I remember one argument that my parents had consistently.  Do you keep all the measuring spoons connected together on the "little plastic ring?"  Or do you let all the spoons hang out separately?  My dad sided with "connected on the little ring".  This ticked my mom off because she was always washing the dishes and even if Dad used only one spoon she had to wash all of them.  My mom wanted all the spoons to hang out separately.  But this drove my dad nuts because he was always on the hunt for the spoon that got "lost" and wasn't put back in the correct place.  Eventually they agreed to disagree and each parent had their own set of measuring spoons, stored in the way they liked best.

I found these nifty spoons while browsing at Sur La Table before my mom's birthday.  When I saw them, I immediately knew I had struck gold!  This little gadget was the answer to all of my parents measuring spoon arguments... and at least got me started in the right direction for my mom's birthday. 

Here are a few reasons why these spoons are so darn cool.  The spoons are magnetic and stick together.  No more ring.  No more spoon getting lost from the others because they aren't connected together.  Another great feature is that the measuring spoons are two sided.  One side is wider and round, the other side is more narrow and oval.  This is great for getting the measuring spoons into different size containers of spices, baking soda, baking powder, etc.  Another reason why this two sided feature is so fantastic is because you can use one side for dry ingredients and one side for wet ingredients.  No more need for washing the spoons before you can add another ingredient to your recipe... and no need to have two sets of measuring spoons because you are too lazy or in too big of a hurry to wash one spoon in order to finish your recipe.

My mom liked these so much that she had me buy 5 extra sets as Christmas gifts for friends and family.  I also have a set for myself (as you can see from above).  I absolutely love them.  My only complaint?  I had better be putting my spoons away correctly -- because now if I lose one measuring spoon... I lose them all!!!

These measuring spoons are made by Progressive and run $14.95 - which may seem a bit steep for measuring spoons.  But the set is stainless steel --  and it really is like having two sets of spoons in one handy item... (I can then rationalize cutting the price in half! Two for the price of one!!!) I truly think that they are worth every penny.  If you do half as much baking as me - you'll be super happy with your decision to run out and get them!

Anyone else have a set?  What do you think?  Is there another kitchen product that you just can't live without?  I'd love to hear about it!



  1. I actually got a set of these for Christmas, and I haven't used them that much. They're cool, but they don't get me that excited. Now if you want an awesome kitchen product, I vote for this immersion blender:

    It hangs on the wall of our kitchen, has a ton of accessories that are awesome and I use this thing ALL THE TIME.

  2. Mom on the Run -- Now THAT is a product I can get behind... I think I might need one!!!

  3. These look pretty cool. Would probably help my drawer stay more organized!
