A friend recently posted a link on her Facebook page to an organization called Intact America. The organization promotes the banning of circumcision in America. While I am still checking out the website, myself, and can't vouch for the authenticity of the organization... I do think that circumcision - while difficult - is an important decision for parents to weigh before the birth of a child. It was a conversation that my husband - whoIloveverymuch - and I took the time to have.
I realize that the decision to not circumcise or to circumcise may not be an easy one. There are religious, cultural, and personal reasons behind the decision. We made the decision that Sweet Pea would not be circumcised for a number of reasons. My guess is that some of the reasons at the top of my list were not the same reasons at the top of my husband's list... But in the end, we were on the same page.
My main reasons had to do with the circumcision being a surgical procedure that occurs without anesthesia. This painful procedure seems more cosmetic than medically necessary. I could not bear to cause my child undue pain for a cosmetic procedure. I certainly couldn't be there to watch something like this occur and did not want him to be in pain for days afterward.
There are some that will say circumcision helps with cleanliness and reduces the possibility of infection. I disagree and feel that boys can be taught to keep their bits clean -- without the need for circumcision.
Do I worry that he might be teased by his peers? Sure - but I have heard that more and more parents are making the decision to not circumcise. And I don't believe that peer pressure - should be my main reasons for decisions regarding my child. I'm hoping that he stands out in a crowd of his peers in a number of ways. I guess we can just add this one to our (mental) list.
Whatever your thoughts on this issue -- I believe that the Intact America Website provides some useful information that is thought provoking and sure to be a good jumping off point for conversations... I'll be curious to hear your thoughts, insights, and opinions on the issue and the information that Intact America provides.
That organizations is authentic.
ReplyDeleteYou may also be interested in the following:
Canadian Paediatric Society
"Recommendation: Circumcision of newborns should not be routinely performed."
"Circumcision is a 'non-therapeutic' procedure, which means it is not medically necessary."
"After reviewing the scientific evidence for and against circumcision, the CPS does not recommend routine circumcision for newborn boys. Many paediatricians no longer perform circumcisions."
Royal Australasian College of Physicians
"After extensive review of the literature, the Paediatrics & Child Health Division of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians has concluded that there is no medical reason for routine newborn male circumcision."
(almost all the men responsible for this statement will be circumcised themselves, as the male circumcision rate in Australia in 1950 was about 90%. "Routine" circumcision is now *banned* in public hospitals in Australia in all states except one.)
British Medical Association
"to circumcise for therapeutic reasons where medical research has shown other techniques to be at least as effective and less invasive would be unethical and inappropriate."
The Royal Dutch Medical Association
"The official viewpoint of KNMG and other related medical/scientific organisations is that non-therapeutic circumcision of male minors is a violation of children's rights to autonomy and physical integrity. Contrary to popular belief, circumcision can cause complications - bleeding, infection, urethral stricture and panic attacks are particularly common. KNMG is therefore urging a strong policy of deterrence. KNMG is calling upon doctors to actively and insistently inform parents who are considering the procedure of the absence of medical benefits and the danger of complications."
drops in male circumcision since 1950:
USA: from 90% to 57%
Canada: from 48% to 17%
UK: from 35% to about 5% (about 1% among non-Muslims)
Australia: 90% to 12.6% ("routine" circumcision has recently been *banned* in public hospitals in all states except one, so the rate will now be a lot lower)
New Zealand: 95% to below 3% (mostly Samoans and Tongans)
South America and Europe: never above 5%
THANK YOU for the very useful information.