My friend Jose likes to tell me "You don't pick your homies, your homies pick you."
Let me explain... for those readers that may be unfamiliar with the term "homie"; A homie is someone who seeks you out as a friend... someone who YOU might not normally seek out to be your friend - but for some reason this other person really values their connection to you. We all have a homie - sometimes more than one.
I'd like to tell you about my homie, Howie.
I first met Howie a number of years ago through a work-based professional development opportunity. We were in the inaugural year of a leadership program at the college where we both work. It was immediately obvious that Howie and I have little in common. He is faculty. I am staff. He's old enough to be my dad. I'm the same age as his son. He is a seasoned professional. I am fairly fresh. He is a RIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT Wing Republican. I lean more left. He is Jewish. I am... not Jewish. He is outspoken. I am quiet and reserved.
Ok - that last part is not true. Really the only thing we have in common is we both are fearless in speaking our mind. Which is probably why he initially drove me crazy. Here was this older, adjunct faculty member who felt the need to constantly provide his point of view, which was NEVER the way I saw things. He would ruffle my feathers, really challenge my point of view. And sometimes I couldn't get a word in edgewise -- which was REALLY IRRITATING -- especially because he was WRONG. I'm not sure what it was about me that caused him to seek me out as a friend -- because I saw us as so.... different. But over time, through our one on one conversations I have come to truly value the unlikely friend that I have in Howie.
Howie is now retired from teaching. This is his first year in his new role as retiree. I don't think the transition has been an easy one. He'd rather be busy... so he's keeping himself busy trying to learn how to relax. (If you can call writing a book relaxing...) But his "free time" has given us time to connect on Facebook, over email, and an occasional lunch or phone call. While I still disagree with most of his political views (Howie, The problem is the system -- not the guy who you like to call "President Inept")... In Howie have found a constant friend, a cheerleader, a mentor, and more.
Howie is someone who offers advice on the inner workings of the college we both love -- he offers insight (and support) in my new role as a parent, and he is someone who cheers on my attempts at writing. In return, I think that he values my perspective and what I bring to the friendship... I feel like I was able to offer him editing advice on his book "Incentive" - which you can (shameless plug) order on
So as I reflect on the past year of my life - Howie's continued friendship has been a wonderful gift... Looking back to when we first met, I don't think I would have picked him to be my friend... But I am ever so thankful that he decided to pick me. So to my friend Howie -- Thanks Homie!
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