Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Is today over yet?

The house is quiet.  The TV is off.  The dogs are snoring.  The hubbie is out on a run.  Sweet Pea is sleeping.  And I am basking in the solace of a quiet moment.  It is so peaceful and wonderful and I think I will just take a moment to be reminded that it IS possible for my home to not be surrounded in chaos.  If only the WHOLE day had been like this...  Alas, that was not the case...

Here is how today went.  I am at work... trying to get caught up on 3 months of emails, questions, phone calls... My cell phone rings at 10 am.  It's my husband - whoiloveverymuch - trying to yell over the top of the wee one in FULL MELTDOWN mode.  (Daddy has Sweet Pea at his home office two days a week. -- Today is day two of the new schedule) Apparently the screaming had begun 30 minutes earlier.  Sweet Pea has no interest in calming down or in taking his bottle.  I am somehow supposed to solve the crisis over the phone.  I have no idea how.

So I do the only two things I can think of.  1. Call my mother-in-law.  Since she is on her computer and lives in an area where dial-up is her only option - the phone goes straight to voicemail.  Plan B. -- Email sent that begs her to call her son.  (Since she watched Sweet Pea on my first day back to work, I am hoping she has the miracle answer to fix the issue).  2.  Call the neighbors - one isn't home, the other rushes over to help -- which probably stresses my husband out more than it helps -- but Hell, I AM GRASPING AT STRAWS HERE.

Sweet Pea finally cries himself to sleep - still not having eaten.  He wakes up again at noon and the whole process starts over again.  Yes - my child is on a hunger strike.  To the point where my husband calls and says... that's it, I give up.  I'm bringing the kid to you. (great, because THAT is going to solve the problem)  But then my mother in law talks him down.  So my husband - whoiloveverymuchbutdon'tknowhowtohelp - finally just packs Sweet Pea in the car and tells him "Daddy has work to do and you're coming with me. "  Sweet Pea calms down - but my husband has not packed a bottle so he turns around and heads back home and Sweet Pea FINALLY eats.  At 1:30.  About 6 hours since his last bottle.

Meanwhile, I am in HYSTERICS at work.  Knowing that I can't go home and save my child and my husband as that will only make matters worse tomorrow.  and the next day. and the next.  It's a battle of the wills and even though it's KILLNG me...  I will teach my son who's boss.  I will teach my son who's boss.  I will teach my son who's boss.  (OK- let's be honest - he is TOTALLY running the show... but I think that this going back to work thing is going to force him to pull it together.  I mean he's 3 months old now.  It's high time he grows up and stops being such a baby).

The good news.  No one died.  Everyone survived this very traumatic day. Even the people in my office survived me and my traumatic day.  And by the time I arrived home, my child was all smiles -- "Oh hi mama -- it's good to see you.  You've been gone for like 10 minutes and I've been looking for you".  he has NO IDEA all the heartache and distress he is causing me -- But I plan to remind him of it when he's older.  I'm expecting to get some kick ass mother's day gifts down the road.... I think he owes me.

And now - i think I will go back to enjoying the peace and quiet.  With a glass of wine.  And maybe even read a page or two from a book.  Imagine that.

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