Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What I'm reading Now - books on making baby food!

My Husband -whoiloveverymuch- and I continue our quest to be throw-backs to the 70's... or at least that is what it feels like when we compare our parenting style to friends who have little one's Sweet Pea's age.  We seem to be the only ones using cloth diapers... We seem to be the only ones using an alternate vaccine schedule...  We seem to be the only ones who have NEVER fed our child formula.  And we seem to be the only ones that are making our own baby food.  (This has turned out to be a good choice for us... because Sweet Pea can EAT.  And at only 6 months - he is already well on his way to eating us out of house and home!)

When we shared our choice to make baby food with Sweet Pea's pediatrician, she recommended a fabulous book.  I'm still working my way through it - but it is a great reference for anyone  planning to make food for their baby.  I especially like information on making my own baby cereal. I would have NEVER thought to make my own cereal. I never even considered that Gerber baby cereal is just over-processed CRAP.  The author's recipes use organic, whole grains and even add in protein over time.  She also discusses what foods to feed your baby first - and how to add in new foods over time.  This book has been invaluable!  It's my go-to reference for Sweet Pea's diet.

And while I like this book and it's obviously a staple for making baby food -- (been reprinted about a million times since it first cam out in the 80's)... some of the information is a little TOO granola for me.  Brewer's yeast?  First- what IS it?  And second, the author says it tastes bad!  But I should still add it in to my baby's food... I'm not quite sure I'm on the band wagon with that one quite yet... But as I said, I'm still reading... so I'll keep you posted.

Another book that has been a great compliment to Super Baby Food has been Baby Love.  The book is relatively new to the market... and I really enjoy the recipes in this book - not because they are so ingenious - Really, any dummy could probably figure out how to make fruit or veggie purees.... But because it gives me a jumping off point for other things I can try.  This book has also provided information on freezing and storage options for baby food.  The photos and colors give this book an "appeal" that Super Baby Food doesn't have.  In combination, these two books have been a great starting point for having fun with baby food!

Making your own baby food is super easy - and in the space of an hour or two, you can make enough food to feed most babies for a month (Sweet Pea is not "most" babies). Think of the money you save making your own food - not to mention avoiding baby food jars overwhelming your house!  We've had loads of fun teaching Sweet Pea to love food - and to be a part of the process of making his food.  I can't wait to continue our food adventure with our future "foodie"!


  1. You might also want to check out the website Just another place for good info on making baby food.

    And you guys are definitely not alone in your granola-esque parenting! None of my 3 kids has ever had formula :). I would cloth diaper if I wasn't so darn lazy, lol.

  2. I'm with ya - cloth diapers, all mama's milk, and when Arlo is six months, we'll be making our own food , too:) Thanks for the suggestions!

  3. Jessica - thanks for the website suggestion. It is AWESOME!!
